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Joan Hite ~ Crystal Intuitive

The Crystalline Connection

Joan Hite is a Crystal Intuitive. Her close relationship with the Earth Devas of her crystal mine in Nevada has given her an incredible affinity with Crystal Consciousness that is the instinctive grid that supports all life on this Planet. Joan can "read" crystals and channel their compatibility with your energies. She can "fit" you with the perfect companion that will enhance your ability to tune into the subtle energy systems and connect you into the Crystalline Grid. This is explained in the workshops she presents with Frank. Jordan.
Joan’s journey began over 15 years ago when she began to notice a subtle “jabbering” in her mind as she was digging for crystals. They were trying to communicate with her, and she learned to intuitively “listen”.
Working as a massage therapist in the Reno area Joan began integrating the crystals into her practice by setting them around her room. Her clients commented on the feeling of subtle energies they felt, and on the deep relaxed state of mind they were able to achieve during the massage.  She realized the crystals helped her tune into each client so she was able to give them a deeper level of healing.

Frank recognized the special qualities of the smoky crystals found in Joan’s Hallelujah mine in Nevada, and has used them for years in healing and Consciousness Clearing work. A special pyramid configuration of the crystals opens a persons subtle energy system to attunement with the subtle consciousness grid, allowing access to higher dimensions.

Joan shares her knowledge of how to attune to the subtle energies of crystalline conscious with Frank in workshops.

“Some Egyptologists speculate that the magnificent Egyptian pyramids were capped with crystals to channel cosmic forces into these geometrically perfected structures.  Many civilizations, cultures and peoples have used crystals and stones for a myriad of purposes – from healing and protection to the most powerful initiations which we cannot yet imagine.”
“Crystals can assist in the active awakening process by showing and teaching us how to align ourselves with that essence which creates and comprises the entire universe.  They help connect us to the earth mind consciousness..”                            Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment

Joan Hite   |  | Boise ID